I want to come back

Well, hey there. If you’re still there.

Gosh it’s been ages since I’ve actually sat and typed a blog post here. June last year actually- around the time of the Bre it vote. But that’s besides the point.

I’ve been telling myself for too long now that I want to come back.<!–more–> However each time I came up with some form of excuse: I don’t have the time, maybe after my GCSE’s, what if I end up stopping after a month, do I really want to.

But I don’t want to say that anymore. I really want this, and I mean I really want to blog again. So I’m going to. Try and stop me.

I considered the idea of starting fresh, a new blog, a new alias, a new approach but I guess I wanted to come back to the little blog I had made and the friends and community which surround it.

Okay this is probably the least interest style of post so I’m going to start posting more entertaining enjoyable posts as soon as possible. 

To all my old friends how have you been? Any blog posts I should catch up on? Please let me know. And to anyone new who may discover this Hey I’m Xanziepan but feel free to call me Xan or Xanzie or whatever really. 

Well for now that’s all but don’t be shy lads.

Xanziepan signing out

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